Friday, December 13, 2013

Holiday Treats!!!

Hello my loves!
 I thought it would be super fun to do a holiday treat section on my blog.. yes, I know it doesn't really go along with the Beauty theme but HEY! A girls gotta eat right? ;) For the remainder of the Holidays I'm going to be letting you in on some of my Fav treats of the season!!

Treat #1: Peppermint Bark!

OMG! This is literally my favorite holiday candy ever! The weird thing is I use to hate mint and chocolate mixed together but for the past few years I have been so obsessed with it! The sad thing is peppermint bark is an expensive treat to be buying all the time :( But have no fear this is one of the easiest treats to make!! It is also super inexpensive too! Just so you know I did actually make this a few days ago and used the recipe below. I did have some trouble with the layers separating but I looked online and found an awesome way to prevent that from happening. This is how, after pouring the white chocolate onto the dark you simple use a spoon or fork and mix the two layers slightly to create a swirl pattern! Super easy fix to that issue and looks great too! (Just make sure you don't mix the layers too much!) 

Peppermint Bark Recipe!

I hope you enjoy this simple sweet treat! :)
With love and holiday joy! -xoxo Amelia 
P.S. If you aren't into making your own my all time fav peppermint bark that you buy can be found at William-Sonoma! :) 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Holiday Outfit #1: The Casual Look

The holidays are all about the cheer, stress, and the shear need for the season to SLOW down. Even though your schedule is super crazy never let your style falter. Yes, we all know you are busy and tired, just like everyone else! But why not look fabulous? You'll have everyone asking "How does she do it?" :) My first look for the holiday season is the casual look! Not only will you be super comfy but you will look super cute! My absolute favorite thing is oversized sweaters; not only will you look super cute but you will be comfy! 

My First Look

Excuse my messy room but here is my casual Christmas outfit. I'm wearing dark jeans and flowy black and white sweater and black boots!

Another view!

Hope you like the look! Comment if you have any questions! 
Xoxo -Amelia

My all time favorite foundation!

Foundation is the base of your makeup the part that actually stays on your face all day long so not only do you want a foundation that stays on all day but you want one that does break your face out. I have never had a problem with a foundation causing acne, but I know it is a huge issue for some girls. Now I am not being snobby but I think that the way to ensure a flawless looking face you need a good quality makeup. In turn there are some fantastic drugstore foundations out there but my all time favorite comes from... You guessed it MAC. Now don't stop reading because you think oh she is just another MAC worshiping girl, ;) because trust me I use to think the same thing about everyone who used MAC.. Sorry;) but I will say after trying out their Studio Fix foundation I was in love. But I'm not going to just babble all post long about how I love it I want to show you all the facts of it as well. I mean that is what I'm here for.

My Face Half Covered with Studio Fix

The left side is the one with the foundation on it and you can defiantly see the distinct difference. I was literally amazed the first time I used it. I covers all of my flaws and makes skin look gorgeous.

Ok here is a side view left half has the foundation on! (Excuse my face lol)

Ok so now that you have see the proof that this stuff literally works miracles let me give you some other info. I use about 1 1/2-2 pumps on my face, and I use a MAC 187 brush to apply the foundation as well which is my favorite brush to apply my foundation with! You don't need a ton to get great coverage. When you buy the foundation it will come without the pump but I would defiantly encourage you to purchase it as well considering you save SO much more foundation that way which in the long run will save you money. Thanks for reading loves! Hope you enjoyed comment if you have any questions!

Studio Fix- $27.00 
Pump- around $8.50 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I'm Baaaccckkkkkk :)

Hello my loves!

  It has been way to long! I've been missing the blogging seen lately, and think its time to get back into the beauty world! For my first post back I'm going to talk about my newest favorite product that you can use one your hair, body, and skin which let me tell you is freaking awesome! The product is called Coconut oil!

 Omg I know you are all so surprised! Ha! But how I came upon this great product was by complete accident. During Black Friday The Body Shop was having an awesome sale, three items for $30 which is crazy great! I bought their vitamin E body butter, concealer, and bronzer which is not the point at all. But they had another deal that was a bag filled with all sorts of goodies! One of those was a small bottle of liquid Coconut Oil! Lately I have been having a ton of hair problems including oily looking hair issues along with a dry flaky scalp. I NEVER use conditioner on my scalp so the other night instead of using conditioner I covered all of my hair and scalp with Coconut oil and then rinsed with water. After getting out of the shower I combed my hair and then proceeded to put it in a bun wet. Slept on my hair the entire night with some oil remaining in my hair (obviously the water didn't really get it all out) so over night the oil soaked into my scalp making it less dry and curing the flakes.  In the morning I washed my hair doing my usual routine of washing my hair and then coating the shaft of my hair with conditioner. My hair looks 10x better, it's soft and feels extremely more healthy! My advice is don't do this all the time unless you are going for a nasty, oily, grunge look. ;) But I would defiantly use this trick when you are needing to make your hair soft, cure flakiness, and/or help hair grow (YES! Coconut oil also helps get those long luscious locks) this is defiantly my new favorite product!