Friday, July 6, 2012

The Beau Maquillage Award!

Lately I have been awarded two awards from some amazing bloggers! :) The lovely Beau Maquillage has graciously awarded me for this award that she has created! I am super excited to answer all her questions!

The Rules! 

  • Write 8 things that make you happy
  •  Answer the 8 questions that the blogger who has tagged you came up with
  • Come up with 8 new questions
  • Nominate new bloggers and tell them they have been nominated! 

8 Things That Make Me Happy!

  1. Summer
  2. My lovely followers/readers
  3. Being in the car with my mom
  4. New Purses :o 
  5. My family
  6. My friends 
  7. Sweet Tea
  8. Music

Beau Maquillage's Questions!

  1. If you could be any celeb who would you be? Selena Golmez! I love her acting skills and shes gorgeous! 
  2. What makeup item makes you feel the most confident? Eye makeup (shadow, liner, and mascara)
  3. What is your fav. social networking site? Twitter! 
  4. What are your plans for this weekend? I'm going to chill with the family! 
  5. Who is the most inspiring person in the world? Hmm! Idk there are soo many! 
  6. Why did you start blogging? I love makeup/beauty/fashion so I just decided it would be fun! But now in addicted it is literally all I think about...
  7. Eye lash curlers yay or nay? Yay! I love them and swear by them! 
  8. What is your best memory? Oh my I can't come up with just one! Hmm! Well anytime with my family or my good friends! 

My Questions!

  1. Lipstick or gloss, which do you wear more?
  2. Do you enjoy watching beauty videos on youtube? 
  3. Whats your fav. clothing store? 
  4. Fav. kind of music? (country, pop, rap. etc.)
  5.  Do you like your hair better curly or straight?
  6. Whats your fav movie? 
  7. The one makeup product that you couldn 't live without?
  8. Will you be tuning in to the Olympics? 

The Beautiful Blogs I'm Tagging!

You should go check out these wonderful blogs! :) Thanks for reading!

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